1: #!/usr/bin/env rexx
2: /**
3: * Function: hsl2rgb
4: *
5: * Converts an HSL color value to RGB.
6: * Assumes h in degrees (0-360), s and l are in percentages (0-100)
7: * returns r, g, and b in the set [0, 255].
8: *
9: * @param number h hue (bewteen 0 and 1, not in degrees)
10: * @param number s saturation
11: * @param number l lightness
12: *
13: * @return string red green blue
14: *
15: * @version 1.1
16: *
17: * @author Ruurd J. Idenburg (ruurd@idenburg.net)
18: *
19: * Don't ask me to explain, I just followed the formulas i found
20: * here: https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/color/hsl-to-rgb.html
21: *
22: * 2024/10/21 - Changed args from (0-1) to degrees and percentage(rji)
23: *
24: **/
25: parse arg H S L
26: S = S/100
27: L = L/100
28: C = (1-abs(2*L-1))*S
29: X =C*(1-abs(abs((H/60)//2)-1))
30: m = L-C/2
31: select
32: when (H>=0 & H<60) then do; R=C; G=X; B=0; end;
33: when (H>=60 & H<120) then do; R=X; G=C; B=0; end;
34: when (H>=120 & H<180) then do; R=0; G=C; B=X; end;
35: when (H>=180 & H<240) then do; R=0; G=X; B=C; end;
36: when (H>=240 & H<300) then do; R=X; G=0; B=C; end;
37: when (H>=300 & H<360) then do; R=C; G=0; B=X; end;
38: otherwise nop
39: end
40: --return the normalized rounded values for the colours
41: return format((R+m)*255,,0) format((G+m)*255,,0) format((B+m)*255,,0)