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Here are will come some RexxGtk widgets/programs that I have written and/or used.

I have adapted David Ashley's RexxGtk efforts to support GTKv3 for my personal use in an ongoing effort to implement more possibilities. I myself think that the changes/adaptions I made are in no way presentable codewise.

So here is an ooRexx/RexxGtk inplementation of a radio, that can play internet radiostations, that broadcast MP3 streams, packed as a local deb package.

The package has the following dependencies: ooRexx (5.0.0 or later) no surprise, Gtk3-0 (libgtk-3-0) usually standard installed, mpg123 normally not installed and wget normally installed.-

The source column shows the source for the main ooRexx code.

All static stuff (gui definition, images, libraries and rexx code) is installed in /usr/local and its subdirectories (bin, lib, gui and icons). Dynamic items (the list of radio stations) are kept in the ~/.local/share/internetradio directory.

I have tested the app in Linux Mint 21.3 and Ubuntu 22.04. I expect it to work in other Debian-based distros as well.

InternetRadioPackage An example of using RexxGtk implementing a MPG player for internet radio stations. Install it in the directory where the deb file is located with:
   sudo dpkg -i ./internetradio_1.0.1.deb