Read Me - Common Public License V1.0 - Copyright Notice(©)


                         +-option-+  +-,--+-------+--+---------+-+
                                          +-start-+  +-,length-+

Returns a number that, by default, indicates whether the receiving string is composed only of characters from [reference] . It returns 0 if all characters in the receiving string are in [reference] or returns the position of the first character in the receiving string not in [reference] .

The [option] can be either Nomatch (the default) or Match. (You need to specify only the first capitalized and highlighted letter; all characters following the first character are ignored)

If you specify Match, the method returns the position of the first character in the receiving string that is in [reference] , or returns 0 if none of the characters are found.

The default for [start] is 1. Thus, the search starts at the first character of the receiving string. You can override this by specifying a different [start] point, which must be a positive whole number.

The default for [length] is the length of the string from [start] to the end of the string. Thus, the search proceeds to the end of the receiving string. You can override this by specifying a different [length] , which must be a non-negative whole number.

If the receiving string is null, the method returns 0, regardless of the value of the [option] . Similarly, if [start] is greater than receiving_string~length, the method returns 0. If [reference] is null, the method returns 0 if you specify Match. Otherwise, the method returns the [start] value.

String class - verify method

"123"~verify("1234567890")             ->    0
"1Z3"~verify("1234567890")             ->    2
"AB4T"~verify("1234567890")            ->    1
"AB4T"~verify("1234567890","M")        ->    3
"AB4T"~verify("1234567890","N")        ->    1
"1P3Q4"~verify("1234567890", ,3)       ->    4
"123"~verify("",N,2)                   ->    2
"ABCDE"~verify("", ,3)                 ->    3
"AB3CD5"~verify("1234567890","M",4)    ->    6
"ABCDEF"~verify("ABC","N",2,3)         ->    4
"ABCDEF"~verify("ADEF","M",2,3)        ->    4

Read Me - Common Public License V1.0 - Copyright Notice(©)