String class - logical methods

1&0     ->     0
1|0     ->     1
1&&0    ->     1
\1      ->     0

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Logical Methods



For NOT (prefix \), omit the parentheses and [argument] .

Returns 1 (true) or 0 (false), the result of performing the specified logical operation. The receiver object and the [argument] are character strings that evaluate to 1 or 0.

The [logical_operator] can be:

& & method method& AND (Returns 1 if both terms are true.)
| | method method| Inclusive OR (Returns 1 if either term or both terms are true.)
&& && method method&& Exclusive OR (Returns 1 if either term, but not both terms, is true.)
Prefix \ method\ Logical NOT (Negates; 1 becomes 0, and 0 becomes 1.)

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