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Returns a string, in character format, that is the ASCII representation of the receiving string, a decimal number. If you specify [n] , it is the length of the final result in characters; leading blanks are added to the returned string. The [n] must be a positive whole number or zero.

The receiving string must not have more digits than the current setting of NUMERIC DIGITS.

If you omit [n] , the receiving string must be a positive whole number or zero, and the result length is as needed. Therefore, the returned result has no leading "00"x characters.

String class - d2c method

"65"~d2c       ->   "A"      /* "41"x is an ASCII "A"    */
"65"~d2c(1)    ->   "A"
"65"~d2c(2)    ->   " A"
"65"~d2c(5)    ->   "    A"
"109"~d2c      ->   "m"      /* "6D"x  is an ASCII "m"   */
"-109"~d2c(1)  ->   "ô"      /* "93"x  is an ASCII "ô"   */
"76"~d2c(2)    ->   " L"     /* "4C"x  is an ASCII " L"  */
"-180"~d2c(2)  ->   " L"

Implementation maximum: The returned string must not have more than 250 significant characters, although a longer result is possible if it has additional leading sign characters ("00"x and "FF"x).

Read Me - Common Public License V1.0 - Copyright Notice(©)