c2d >>-c2d-+-----+------------------------------------------------->< +-(n)-+ Returns the decimal value of the binary representation of the receiving
string. If the result cannot be expressed as a whole number, an error results.
That is, the result must not have more digits than the current setting of
NUMERIC DIGITS. If you specify
, it is the
length of the returned result. If you do not specify
, the receiving string is processed
as an unsigned binary number. If the receiving string is null, C2D returns
String class - c2d method "09"X~c2d -> 9 "81"X~c2d -> 129 "FF81"X~c2d -> 65409 ""~c2d -> 0 "a"~c2d -> 97 /* ASCII */ If you specify
, the receiving string
is taken as a signed number expressed in
characters. The number is positive if the leftmost bit is off, and negative
if the leftmost bit is on. In both cases, it is converted
to a whole number, which can therefore be negative. The receiving string is
padded on the left with "00"x characters (not "sign-extended"),
or truncated on the left to
This padding or truncation is as though
String class - c2d method "81"X~c2d(1) -> -127 "81"X~c2d(2) -> 129 "FF81"X~c2d(2) -> -127 "FF81"X~c2d(1) -> -127 "FF7F"X~c2d(1) -> 127 "F081"X~c2d(2) -> -3967 "F081"X~c2d(1) -> -127 "0031"X~c2d(0) -> 0 |