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../code/usexhr.orx/var/www/html/ooRexx/wip #!usr/bin/rexx -- Using the Google web api's without displaying the results on a web page with a Google Map -- is against the usage terms Google has established, just so you do know the following is -- not in line with Google requirements. break = '' '-'~copies(118) norm = '|' ' '~copies(117)'|' say break say norm~overlay('Reverse geocoding and elevation from Google(HTTP GET)',3) say break say norm say norm~overlay('Geo Location: 51.941884,-9.808336',3) xhr = .xhr~new('maps.googleapis.com',80) xhr~get('/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=51.941884,-9.808336&sensor=false') -- Google uses chunked responses and returns a JSON object -- replacing json with xml will return a xml string. say norm~overlay(xhr~rspHeaders[1] '- Address.....:' .json~new()~fromJson(xhr~response)['results'][1]['formatted_address'],3) xhr~get('/maps/api/elevation/json?locations=51.941884,-9.808336&sensor=false') say norm~overlay(xhr~rspHeaders[1] '- Elevation...:' .json~new()~fromJson(xhr~response)['results'][1]['elevation']~format(,0) 'meter',3) say norm say break -- Reverse Geocoding from Openstreetmap say norm~overlay('Reverse geocoding from Openstreetmap.org(HTTP GET), elevation from idenburg.net(HTTP POST)',3) say break say norm say norm~overlay('Geo Location: 51.941884,-9.808336',3) xhr = .xhr~new('nominatim.openstreetmap.org') xhr~get('/reverse?format=json&lat=51.941884&lon=-9.808336&zoom=18&addressdetails=1') say norm~overlay(xhr~rspHeaders[1] '- Address.....:' .json~new()~fromJson(xhr~response)['display_name'],3) /* idenburg.net is not available anymore -- Elevation (be it a little less precise(90mx90m)) is also available from xhr = .xhr~new('www.idenburg.net') -- port 80 is default xhr~post('/cycling/getSRTMElevationDemo.php','lat=51.941884&lon=-9.808336') say norm~overlay(xhr~rspHeaders[1] '- Elevation...:' xhr~response~substr(1,xhr~response~length-3) 'meter',3) -- response ends in '200A20'x */ say norm say break say norm~overlay('Fetching the first line from build.oorexx.org(HTTP GET)',3) say break say norm -- RexxLA does not have these kind of restrictions so here it goes xhr = .xhr~new('build.oorexx.org',80) xhr~get('/') -- ooRexx uses Content-Length rsp header say norm~overlay(xhr~rspHeaders[1] '-' xhr~response~substr(1,93),3) say norm say break return ::requires 'xhr.cls' ::requires 'json.cls'
If you feel inclined to make corrections, suggestions etc., please mail me any.
All content © Ruurd Idenburg, 2007–, except where marked otherwise. All rights reserved. This page is primarily for non-commercial use only. The Idenburg website records no personal information and sets no ‘cookies’. This site is hosted on a VPS(Virtual Private System) rented from Transip.nl, a Dutch company, falling under Dutch (privacy) laws (I think).

This page updated on by Ruurd Idenburg.