math.cls source

00001 #!/usr/bin/rexx
00002 -- OO wrapper for the mathematical functions in the rxmath library package.
00003 -- Methods are renamed to their more commonly used names (e.g <i>RxCalcArcSin</i>
00004 -- becomes <i>asin</i>).
00006 -- <b>math</b> is a subclass of <b>string</b>.
00007 ::class math public subclass string
00009 -- The precision of the arguments and results
00010 -- Default is the  NUMERIC DIGITS default
00011 -- Maximum is rxmath's maximum: 16
00012 -- @example num = .math~new(25,16)
00013 -- @example num~precision = 9
00014 --
00015 ::attribute precision
00017 -- Init is called from .math~new. 
00018 -- Since .math is a subclass of .string a peculiar thing happens in that the
00019 -- first argument to ~new is not passed to ~init. That's why only the second 
00020 -- argument ( the precision in digits of arguments and results ) is parsed.
00021 -- Following is an example of how to create a new .math instance:
00022 -- @example .math~new(114.2334,16)
00023 -- which results in a invocation of  ~init as above:
00024 -- @param precision=(.context~digits) - where the default is taken from .context
00025 ::method init
00026 	use strict arg precision=(.context~digits)
00027 	self~init:super
00028 	if (self+0)~datatype\='NUM' then do	--if self is not a number
00029 		raise syntax 93.904 array(1,self) -- self+0 by itself will		
00030 	end									-- raise a syntax error
00031 	if (precision~datatype('W') & precision>0) then do 
00032 		precision = precision~min(16)	-- adjust maximum to rxmath's maximum
00033 		self~precision = precision
00034 	end
00035 	else do
00036 		self~precision = .context~digits	
00037 	end
00039 -- Turns Degrees into Radians
00040 -- @return aNum - angle in Radians
00041 -- @example aRad = .math~new(30)~toRadians 
00042 ::method toRadians
00043 	numeric digits self~precision
00044 	return self*self~pi/180
00046 -- Turns Degrees into Radians
00047 -- @return aNum - angle in Radians
00048 -- @example radians = .math~new(30)~fromDegrees
00049 ::method fromDegrees
00050 	numeric digits self~precision
00051 	return self*self~pi/180
00053 -- Turns Radians into Degrees
00054 -- @return aNum - angle in Degrees
00055 -- @example degrees = .math~new(3.5467)~toDegrees
00056 ::method toDegrees
00057 	numeric digits self~precision
00058 	return self*180/self~pi	
00060 -- Turns Radians into Degrees
00061 -- @return aNum - angle in Degrees
00062 -- @example degrees = .math~new(3.5467)~fromRadians
00063 ::method fromRadians
00064 	numeric digits self~precision
00065 	return self*180/self~pi	
00067 -- Yields the value of PI
00068 -- @return Pi 
00069 -- @example PI = .math~pi 
00070 ::method pi class
00071 	return RxCalcPi(self~precision)
00073 -- Gives the value of Pi
00074 -- @return Pi
00075 -- @example angle = .math~new(30); PI = angle~pi 
00076 ::method pi 
00077 	return RxCalcPi(self~precision)
00079 -- Calculates this objects square root
00080 -- @return aNum - being self's square root 
00081 -- @example number = .math~new(16); root = number~sqrt
00082 ::method sqrt
00083 	return RxCalcSqrt(self,self~precision)
00085 -- Returns the exponential function (e**x)
00086 -- @return aNum - representing e**(self)
00087 -- @example x=.math~new(somenumber); etopowerx = x~exp 
00088 ::method exp
00089 	return RxCalcExp(self,self~precision)
00091 -- Calculates a number raised to a specified power
00092 -- @param power - the power to which self will be raised
00093 -- @return aNum - self raised to the power specified as argument
00094 -- @example n = .math~new(aNumber); powered = n~power(6.5)
00095 ::method power
00096 	use strict arg power
00097 	return RxCalcPower(self,power,self~precision)
00099 -- Retrieves a number's natural logarithm (inverse of exp)
00100 -- @return aNum - self's natural logarithm
00101 -- @example result = .math~new(aNumber)~log
00102 ::method log
00103 	return RxCalcLog(self,self~precision)
00105 -- Returns the base 10 logarithm
00106 -- @return aNum - self's base10 logarithm
00107 -- @example result = .math~new(4.6765434)~log10
00108 ::method log10
00109 	return RxCalcLog10(self,self~precision)
00111 -- Determines the sine, where self's angle is in degrees(D), radians(R) or grades(G)
00112 -- @param type='D' - type of self's angle unit (D, R or G), D is default
00113 -- @return aNum - the sine value
00114 -- @example aSin = .math~new(45)~sin('D')
00115 ::method sin
00116 	use strict arg type='D'
00117 	return RxCalcSin(self,self~precision,type)
00119 -- Result is the cosine, where self's angle is in degrees(D), radians(R) or grades(G)
00120 -- @param type='D' - type of self's angle unit (D, R or G), D is default
00121 -- @return aNum - the cosine value
00122 -- @example aCos = .math~new(1)~cos('R')
00123 ::method cos
00124 	use strict arg type='D'
00125 	return RxCalcCos(self,self~precision,type)
00127 -- Returns the tangent, where self's angle is in degrees(D), radians(R) or grades(G):
00128 -- @param type='D' - type of self's angle unit (D, R or G), D is default
00129 -- @return aNum - the tangent value
00130 -- @example aTan = .math~new(50)~tan('G')
00131 ::method tan
00132 	use strict arg type='D'
00133 	return RxCalcTan(self,self~precision,type)
00135 -- Returns the cotangent, where self's angle is in degrees(D), radians(R) or grades(G):
00136 -- @param type='D' - type of self's angle unit (D, R or G), D is default
00137 -- @return aNum - the cotangent value
00138 -- @example aCotan = .math~new(50)~cotan
00139 ::method cotan
00140 	use strict arg type='D'
00141 	return RxCalcCotan(self,self~precision,type)
00143 -- Finds the hyperbolic sine
00144 -- @return aNum - self's hyperbolic sine value
00145 -- @example aSinh = .math~new(aNumber)~sinh
00146 ::method sinh
00147 	return RxCalcSinH(self,self~precision)
00149 -- Returns the hyperbolic cosine
00150 -- @return aNum - self's hyperbolic cosine value
00151 -- @example aCosh = .math~new(aNumber)~cosh
00152 ::method cosh
00153 	return RxCalcCosH(self,self~precision)
00155 -- Calculates the hyperbolic tangent
00156 -- @return aNum - self's hyperbolic tangent
00157 -- @example aTanh = .math~new(aNumber)~tanh
00158 ::method tanh
00159 	return RxCalcTanH(self,self~precision)
00161 -- Yields the arcsine, where the result is in degrees(D), radians(R) or grades(G)
00162 -- @param type='D' - result's unit (D, R or G), D is default
00163 -- @return aNum - self's arcsine value in the unit specified by type
00164 -- @example aRad = .math~new(57.2)~asin('R')
00165 ::method asin
00166 	use strict arg type='D'
00167 	return RxCalcArcSin(self,self~precision,type)
00169 -- Gives the arccosine, where the result is in degrees(D), radians(R) or grades(G)
00170 -- @param type='D' - result's unit (D, R or G), D is default
00171 -- @return aNum - self's arccosine value in the unit specified by type
00172 -- @example aDeg = .math~new(aNumber)~acos
00173 ::method acos
00174 	use strict arg type='D'
00175 	return RxCalcArcCos(self,self~precision,type)
00177 -- Returns the arctangent, where the result is in degrees(D), radians(R) or grades(G)
00178 -- @param type='D' - result's unit (D, R or G), D is default
00179 -- @return aNum - self's arctangent value in the unit specified by type
00180 -- @example aGrade = .math~new(90)~atan('G')
00181 ::method atan
00182 	use strict arg type='D'
00183 	return RxCalcArcTan(self,self~precision,type)
00185 ::requires	'rxmath' LIBRARY

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